
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Endings - "Lying Around"

Season 2, Episode 6
Some quick thoughts on a solid episode

Happy Endings isn’t a show that’s going to change all that much, at least not that it’s found its groove. And while this was another strong outing for the show, I don’t have anything particular to say about (also I had a lot of homework, so I’m writing this post fairly late), so I’ll just do a quick rundown of the episode without any flash or thematic analysis, and then throw it to you guys in the comments to pick up whatever I left out.

The best plot of the night was definitely Dave and Max’s attempt to make a commercial for his sandwich truck, and not just because it combined two things I love, Max and large sandwich-based humor. It also perfectly captured the new wave of contemporary commercials, which spend a lot more time being flashy than saying what the product is. (It also showed us “awkward Dave” which may be my new favorite mode for the character.)

Second in line was Penny and Alex’s date swapping, though not because it was funny, though it most certainly was. No, I’m more intrigued by the ambiguous ending. Does Alex always make everything in her life appear that much better just by finding the positive? Or was she just doing that to screw with Penny? Or is Penny just jealous of Alex, and she just think everything sound better coming from Alex? (Also, that Fred Savage cameo? Pure gold. I’m surprised there weren’t any jokes about how Savage himself is mostly just a director now.)

I wasn’t as wild about the Brad/Jane plot, even though it was about as funny as the other two, and it featured a hilarious cameo from Brent Musburger. (And I don’t even know who that guy is!) No, I was bothered by the standard “husband and wife find great joy apart” plot that’s fueled many lesser sitcoms. Granted, in an ensemble show like this, it didn’t get run into the ground as much as it could have been, and I liked that the show put their unique twist on it by reminding us that those two aren’t the standard “argue more than they agree” sitcom couple, but that still doesn’t forgive the plot’s recycled premise.

So, what did you guys think?

Quotes, Etc:

“Iceberg, dead ahead.”

“It’s the treat that’s mostly meat”

“So we’re not doing segues now?” “Now, I gave those up.”

“Raising the roof on signature scents, that’s what’s happening.”

“You absolutely know where Migichan is, you were an extra in 8 Mile.”

“We watched Con Air with the director’s commentary. I laughed and learned.”

“Pete’s picking me up in the Batmobile.” “What?” “He’s a bat exterminator, that what the company calls the van, but still, it’s very grand.”

“I bartered for this outfit using only illegal Mexican candy.”

“My comedy’s always been edgy Penny, you know that.”

“No, my point is Miami got a little lazy with that D2 defense.”

“We didn’t make this to please the masses.” “It’s a commercial, that’s exactly why we made it.”

“Turns out I’m light as a feather, stiff as a board, so I’ve got that going for me.”

“I don’t speak English…I mean British. Let’s just go.”

“We’re gonna go eat hot dogs and then play checkers with Puerto Ricans.”

“It was nice watching The Boondocks and not having to explain why it was funny.” “I wanna love it, but I don’t get it.” “Sometimes I don’t get it.”

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