
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How I Met Your Mother - "Disaster Averted"

Season 7, Episode 9

“True Story.”

What is it about tragedy that affects us so, that makes us want to tell our story to those who weren’t there to witness it first hand? More specifically, what is it with comedy writers who are making such a big deal out of Hurricane Irene? Okay, so it was a big deal, but it’s pretty impossible not to notice that where as Hurricane Katrina gave us Treme and When the Levees Broke, but Irene inspired episodes of both How I Met Your Mother and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. But, when you place put aside the fact that a comedy is making light of a situation that most people turn into serious drama, “Disaster Averted” is actually a pretty great episode.

I know that the show has gotten praised for this many, many times over the years, but tonight’s HIMYM really brought it back in force, and to great effect. Most shows use the “a big storm is coming” gimmick as an excuse to do a bottle episode, and part of this episode, where the gang stay holed up in Barney’s apartment, essentially was a bottle episode. However, because this is HIMYM, we also got a lot of story out on the fringes, most of which played off of the hurricane story quite well.

And that’s a good thing, because as funny as the group holed up in Barney’s apartment was – I especially liked how it all came to a head at the end as each person who was going would prevent someone else from going as well, creating a self-replicating ripple effect – it was also one of those stories that told on its own wouldn’t have felt a powerful without all the connections to the larger plot. (And I say that knowing full well that I laughed heartily at all three of Marshall’s hypothetical bear attacks, which were hilarious for both how cheesy and how stupid they were.)

So then what of those larger plots? Well, on the sweet side of things we learned that it was during Hurricane Irene that Marshall and Lilly conceived their baby, and it was a nice payoff to story of Marshall’s fear to leave Lilly’s side lest he get injured while uninsured. (Somebody’s going to have to tell me: does this mess with the previously established continuity? I forget when last season’s finale said that Lilly found out she was pregnant, and I really don’t want to have to watch that episode again to find out.)

On the funny, and frankly more interesting side of things, we saw a payoff to the Ducky Tie arc (okay, it was more of a running joke, but you know what I mean), it what was a relatively bold move for the show. When it was first introduced, I was convinced, that yes, Barney would be wearing it for the whole season, because that’s just how this show works. But to take away the Ducky Tie after just six episodes is a bit different on the show’s part, as is the additional slap that Marshall now has to use against Barney. (I made it singular, because after doing the math, Marshall still has the original fifth slap, and he quickly burned two of the newly won three.) But this also brings up another question of continuity – we know from the premiere that Barney will once again be wearing the Ducky Tie when he and Marshall are at the craps table, missing the birth of his child, so how does that end up happening?

But of course what most people will be interested in – and what was a strong moment to close out the episode – was Barney and Robin’s near kiss during the hurricane (when they were still both single), which turned into an actual kiss in the present day (when they both are in relationships). I’ve long stated that the show needs to go back to the Robin and Barney pairing, because as much as they bungled it the first time around, there is a much better place now to pull off a more believable relationship between the two.

However, much like with the show reneged on both the Ducky Tie and the Slap Bet, I can’t help but wonder if the show is going to come up with another stopgap measure to put them on hold for a few more episodes. HIMYM isn’t a show that’s been known to roll out it’s season-long arcs with speed, but I think were at the point where the show needs to make things happen – and I mean actual progress, not just hints at it – in order to keep their stories interesting.

Quotes and Thoughts:

Oh, so apparently an oak tree fell on Ted’s house upstate. Good, cause I was totally looking forward to more stories about that.

Working Theory: We’ve seen a lot of references to Robin’s emotional distant relationship with her father. Who wants to bet that be the focus of some future episode this season?

You know, Barney is taller than Ted. But just by a little bit.

May favorite sign? “Do no punch the llamas.”

“You’re a tropical depression.”

“Boy Scouted. You’re welcome.”

“Nobody wakes up and says ‘Today I’m going to star in a YouTube video.’” “You’ve said that at least a dozen times.”

“You…may…not. With a ‘k’. A little tie pun.”

“I’ll let you slap me in the face as hard as you can.” “You have my attention.”

“So, boogey boarding…” “Boogey boarding!”

“It’s going to get crazy out there. And if some hot woman gets all her clothes blown off and I’m not there to videotape it and put it up on the internet, who will? FEMA? Come on, open your eyes.”

“Hey, it’s been no picnic for me either. You don’t even do the voices.”

“On, therapisted! Shrinked? Shrunk? We’ll figure it out.”

“I think I need to go home and reevaluate how I make life deicisions.” 

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