In case you haven't heard, Firefly will be "returning" to cable, as it enters its newest leg of syndication on the Science Channel. (Please note that is the Science Channel, and not Sci-Fi, or SyFy, or any other weird spelling of the same.)
What's cool about this iteration, as reported by Entertainment Weekly, is that each episode will have bumpers from noted physicist Dr. Michio Kaku in which he discusses the actual theories behind the cool, futuristic, space-y stuff you see on the screen. Neat, huh?
So check it out this Sunday, March 6th for the two hour pilot at 8/7c, followed by the second episode, "Train Job," at 10/9c. Yes, that's right - they are airing the series in its intended order. The show has also been updated to be broadcast in High-Def, for those of you rich enough to afford the viewing expierence. (As for the airtime each Sunday after that - well, I'm as in the dark as the rest of you. Hopfully the Science Channel will let us know during the airing on the 6th.)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Archer: "The Double Deuce"
Once I figure out how many war movie references there were in tonight's episode (and I would appreciate your help with this), I'll offer up a review, after the jump.....
Parks and Rec: "Indianapolis"
Once I figure out how someone become credited with “creating” a fragrance, I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump.....
Community: "Intro To Political Science"
Once I find out just what it takes to clear up black mold, I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump....
The Witty Wisdom of Jon Stewart, 2/23/11
Remember the rules. You may disagree with anything I post here, and respond in the comments section. However, all disagreements must be well thought out. No personal attacks or spewing of empty party rhetoric. Any comments which break these rules will get deleted.
After the jump, all three unedited parts of the Donal Rumsfeld interview.
After the jump, all three unedited parts of the Donal Rumsfeld interview.
Justified: "The I Of The Storm"
Once I fight the urge to judge this episode through the lens of its final scene, I'll be able to offer up a more objective review, after the jump....
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Glee: "Blame It On The Alcohol"
After I once again gripe about how Glee's song selection is too on-the-nose, I'll offer up a review of last night's episode, after the jump....
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Lights Out: "Crossroads"
Once I write a open letter pleading that no future boxing movies or shows use The Heavy's “How You Like Me Now?” ever again, I'll offer up a review, after the jump....
The Chicago Code: "Gillis, Chase, and Baby Face"
Once I make a list of the longest episode titles ever, I'll offer up a review of last night's episode, after the jump....
How I Met Your Mother - "Garbage Island"
Once I determine what Wendy The Waitress' future vocation is (I'm betting a nurse), I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump....
Friday, February 18, 2011
Fringe: "6B"
Once I determine whether it's possible to have a coin flip come up heads ten times in a row without the alteration of the basic properties of physics, I'll offer up a review of last night's episode, after the jump...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Archer: "Pipeline Fever"
Once I find out if “dry ice bombs” are an actual possibility, I'll offer up a review of tonight's Archer, after the jump...
Parks and Rec: "Media Blitz"
Once I determine if “The Douche” is a good name for a radio DJ, I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump...
Community: "Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking"
Once I determine if somebody can be nostalgic for something they never experienced the first time around, I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump...
Justified: "The Life Inside"
Once I bone up on the laws regarding the adoption of prison babies, I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump....
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Glee: "Comeback"
Only after I have myself inoculated from Bieber Fever will it be safe to offer up a review of last night's Glee, after the jump....
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Lights Out: "Combinations"
Once I figure out someone can thumb another guy in the eye while wearing boxing gloves, I'll offer up a review, after the jump....
Chuck: "Chuck Vesus The Cat Squad"
Once I determine the aerodynamic properties of a DVD shard, I'll offer up a review of last night's episode, after the jump....
The Chicago Code: "Hog Butcher"
Once I determine the validity of a piece of sausage as historical evidence, I'll offer up a review of last nights episode, after the jump....
How I Met Your Mother: "Desperation Day"
Once I determine whether or not “baking cookies” is an appropriate euphemism for sex, I'll whip up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
SNL: "Russell Brand/Chris Brown"
Once I determine what the rules are concerning giving cocaine to a mogwai, I'll offer up a review of tonight's SNL, after the jump...
Friday, February 11, 2011
Fringe: "Immortality"
Once I rearrange the Fringe timeline based on the events of tonight's episode, I'll offer up a review, after the jump....
Naked Reference: Evaluating Community's BNL Joke Against The Show's Pantheon
Last night, Community made the potentially explosive move of using Canadian alt-rockers The Barenaked Ladies as the basis of a joke. (I wrote about the episode itself here.) I say “potentially” because the only way that the joke would have exploded if a large portion of American cared about either BNL or Community. But of course no such demographic exists, for either the band or the show.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Archer: "Blood Test"
Once I determine just how 8 gills make a liter, I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump...
Parks and Rec: "Ron & Tammy: Part Two"
Once I figure out if it's possible to have made last name changed to Stephenson-Stephenson, I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump....
Community: "Early 21st Century Romanticism"
Once I figure out how I can mack on a hot librarian, tag-team style, with my best friend, I'll offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump...
Modern Family: "Bixby's Back" - Old Storylines, Revisited
Once I do a Google search for songs that contain the lyric “picture me naked,” I'll offer up a review of last night's episode, after the jump...
Human Target: "Marshall Pucci," Or How to Destroy Your Show In Just One Episode
Last night Human Target aired its second season finale, and what I hope to be its series finale. I'll explain why, after the jump....
Mr. Sunshine: "Pilot"
Once I make all the tired cracks about how Monica's show was bumped to make way for Chandler's show, I'll offer up a review of Mr. Sunshine's pilot, after the jump....
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Justified: "The Moonshine War"
Once I figure out if shooting a gun while drenched in gasoline would set my body afire, I will be able to offer up a review of the second season premiere, after the jump...
Glee: "Silly Love Songs"
Once I take a poll to determine just how offensive “Fat Bottomed Girls” really is, I'll be able to give you a review of last night's Glee, after the jump....
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Lights Out: "The Comeback"
Once I figure out just how racist it is to have a black character named Jo-Jo, I will be able to give you a review of tonight's episode, after the jump...
Chuck: "Chuck Versus The Seduction Impossible"
Once I get done with tracking down a copy of The John Larroquette Show, I will be able to give you a review of last night's episode, after the jump....
The Chicago Code: "Pilot"
Once I suppress the deep feelings of loss over Terriers that come up every time I see Shawn Ryan's name, I'll be able to give you a review of The Chicago Code pilot (and I'll be adding the show to the regular blog rotation), after the jump...
The Cape: "Goggles and Hicks"
Once I remind myself that there are only four episodes left, I will be able to continue with bashing The Cape, after the jump...
Monday, February 7, 2011
How I Met Your Mother: "Oh, Honey"
Once I figure out whether or not anybody has been named Zoeseph, I will be able to give you a review of tonight's episode, after the jump...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Glee: "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle"
Once I get a tally of how many Super Bowl reference there were in tonight's episode, I will be able to give you a review, after the jump....
SNL: "Dana Carvey/Linkin Park"
Once I make a predection about James Franco's next career move, I'll be able to give a review of tonight's SNL, after the jump....
Friday, February 4, 2011
Fringe: "Concentrate and Ask Again"
Once I figure out how I feel about the return of Sam, I'll be able to offer up a review of tonight's episode, after the jump...
Parks and Rec: "Time Capsule"
Once a write a compelling letter to the writers of Parks and Rec explaining why Jerry's mother's diaries would make a great historical resource, I will be able to give you a review of last night's episode, after the jump...
Archer: "A Going Concern"
Once I erase the nightmarish vision of Kreeger tripping his balls off and brandishing a power drill, I'll be able to give you a review of last night's Archer, after the jump....
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Cougar Town: "Cry To Me"
Due to ABC's scheduling, Cougar Town won't return until April 18th, and even then scheduling is going to be a little off for the first few outings. But for now, a review of last night's hiatus commencing episode, after the jump...
The Witty Wisdom of Jon Stewart: Feb 2, 2011
While it is in no way revelatory to say that Jon Stewart is one of the most important voices in television today, given the daily nature of his program, it can be difficult to catch the truly important moments. However, now that The Daily Show has returned to Hulu, I have taken it upon myself to catch all episodes, and to share any spectacular segments here on this blog.
But first, some rules. You may disagree with anything I post here, and respond in the comments section. However, all disagreements must be well thought out. No personal attacks or spewing of empty party rhetoric. Any comments which break these rules will get deleted.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Human Target: "The Problem With Harry"
Human Target has finally returned to it's regular Wednesday night slot (albeit an hour later). A review of tonight's episode (with guest star Tony Hale) coming up after the jump....
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Human Target: "Kill Bob"
After having a special Friday episode, Human Target had returned, now with a special Monday episode (don't worry, the show will be back to it's regular time slot both this and next Wednesday). A review of last night's episode, after the jump...
Chuck: "Chuck Versus The Push Mix"
Though last week's episode was a bit of a mess, my faith in the show was shaken, as season finales have always been Chuck's bread and butter (which is what tonight's episode was written as). A review of how this episode held up, after the jump...
The Cape: "Dice" - Step down, Tom Wheeler!
I have, for reasons unknown, decided to stick with The Cape, time permitting. So a review of the fifth episode, after the jump...