
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Community: "Celebrity Pharmacology 212"

A review of tonight's Community coming up after the jump....

I think at this point in the show's run, it has hit such high levels of greatness, that it becomes almost a gut-reaction to dismiss any episode that doesn't grab you right off the bat. Tonight was one of those episodes, where is took everything a while to really get cookin'.

This was most exemplified by the Jeff/Britta plotline; I knew as soon as Jeff had sent the first text that it was going to be a kid. I hadn't expected that it would be her nephew, or any sort of family relation. (Don't ask me how I didn't figure that out.) But around the time Jeff started to try and fix the situation, which involved him reading the texts aloud in hilarious deadpan to a mute Abed, I was hooked. And the final twist, with Jeff somehow getting Britta's bra to her nephew, was just icing. Twisted, dark, delicious icing.

I had actually been okay with the beginnings of the Shirley/Chang plotline, as I found it was interesting that the show allowed Chang to show his sweet side, but I didn't expect too much from it. Yet I had expected some kind of pathos on the level the show has given us in the past, so while watching Chang embrace his crazy side and play 'evil drugs' was hilarious, I feel it robbed the story of the emotion they tried to get across. Still, how great was Chang's last line?

The Annie/Pierce plotline (have we had one of those before?) wasn't that original, so I wasn't on board until things started going off the rails in the second act. I was mostly interested in the idea of Pierce living out some childhood regrets, and while the scene that introduced this was overbearingly dark, I think the show could have mined something great out of it. Instead, we had to settle for Chevy Chase, dressed up as a marijuana leaf, making farting sounds for the amusement of adolescent.

Actually, I'm okay with that.

What did everybody else think?

Additional Thoughts: 

“Drugs are special honey. They give you a buzzzzzzzz.”

“How come he gets a front stinger?”

“That's my landlord. And if he wanted to rape you, you be'd raped.”

“It's the fairy that gives you a dollar every time you get your period.”

“Next time you think about drugs, think about baseball instead.”

“He sent her an emoti-penis.”

“Well, that answers my question. Jeff Winger is sexy, even in a coffin.”

“We're a lot alike. We're independent. We need each other.”

“I love you, Drugs!”

“Let me go get Chang, and you can tell him yourself.”

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